Friday, December 16, 2011

Almost there!

I keep saying, "I'm done!".......and then I start just one more Christmas project. Here are the Lucy jumpers I made for Adelaide and Vivi. I found the snowman button sets at Joann's and had 95% of the materials required in my stash. I tucked little Christmas tissues in their pockets.

Lucy is a versatile, quick pattern. The hemming by machine and the turning right side out can be confusing. The first one I did went great. No problem; I didn't even have to think about it. The second jumper was another story. What a mess I made,
but finally figured it out. I think Lezette has a You Tube video on this subject. Did I go back and refer to it? NO! I will try to be more thoughtful and organized when I make my next Lucy.

Here is my tree, decorated, and a few of my favorite ornaments. It is a homey, New England tree. When my kids were growing up I really wanted to have all white lights on my tree. But the kids really liked the colored lights. Now I am sentimentally attached to the colored lights, but guess what? My kids have all white lights on their trees! Go figure!

This ornament is not homemade, but has two of my  favorite things: kitties and cardinals!

I have carefully wrapped and protected this ornament through two moves and 34 years of Christmas ornament storage. It was made for me by the mother of a terminally ill infant I cared for early in my nursing career. We went on to become lifelong friends, and thankfully she and her husband went on to have two very healthy children. This little girl was made from an egg, in a likeness of my older daughter, Chelsea. She is front and center on my tree every year. I have given my children almost all of the ornaments which have been purchased or made for them over the years, but I can't part with this one just yet.


This is a new ornament for my tree this year, made by the newest member of our SAGA chapter, The Charles River Smockers. What  could be better than a handmade item for our annual Yankee Swap? And the story of her last minute finishing was hysterical. Stuck at home with no car, she found a scrap of gingham for the backing, used cotton balls for stuffing and dismantled a swag to get the cording. That's Yankee ingenuity! Thanks Karla!

And here is my little Samuel, the newest grandchild, born October 9th. We woke him from a sound sleep for the photo opp with Santa! Poor little guy. Santa doesn't need to leave me anything under the tree....these precious grandchildren are all I need to make my holiday perfect.
I promise pictures of the girls in their finery! I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season.

1 comment:

  1. I adore Children's Corner Lucy! It is such a versatile pattern, and your embellishments make these perfect! It does look like it will be a very merry Christmas with such darling little ones.
